Thursday, April 16, 2015

Book-(ish) Creations: The Prettiest Bookshops in the World (Part 1)

The Livraria Lello (The Lello Bookstore)

Designed in Portugal by Fransisco Esteves in 1906, art noveau masterpiece features one large, red staircase that splits into two, then rejoins itself at the bottom. This alone is unbelievably ingenious, but the Lello houses many other wonders. Built on neo-Gothic panelling, and fronted with a sculpted white facade, the bookstore is not only a place to delight in literature, but an marvel of architecture. All of this is filled to the brim with books, and topped with a brilliant stained glass ceiling.

For more information and photos of the Lello, check this link here.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cool Quotes: Vellichor

This is a beautiful word I didn't know existed, but which from now on will probably stay in my everyday vocabulary.